Cantourage introduces first Argentinian cannabis company to the German market

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Berlin, 4 June 2024 - Cantourage GroupSE (hereinafter “Cantourage,” ISIN: DE000A3DSV01,, aleading European company for the production and distribution of medicalcannabis, and Patagonia Heritage (, an established Argentiniancompany for the supply of high-quality cannabis products, are partnering to bringmedical cannabis to the European market. Through the cooperation, patients inEurope can now be prescribed the cultivar “The New” for their cannabis therapy.
Patagonia Heritage is an Argentiniancompany founded in 2021 that offers patients a natural alternative for theirwell-being. With its extensive network and years of experience in the globalcannabis industry, the company curates the best growers worldwide and bringstheir products to Europe. Patagonia Heritage’s first exclusive strain on the Germanmarket, “The New,” is cultivated by the Canadian cannabis grower Lyonleaf. Thecultivar is the result of thefirst collaboration between the Californian seed bank Humboldt SeedOrganization and breeder Mario Guzman, better known as Sherbinski, respected worldwideas one of the pioneers of the cannabis industry. “TheNew” is produced under the highest quality standards in a state-of-the-artindoor facility.
“The partnership with Cantourage is veryimportant to us since we ensure that we work with the best in their field,allowing us to reach the largest number of patients possible throughout Germanyand other countries in Europe. We believe that we have a quality and solidproduct to offer to patients in Germany that will continue the success it hasbeen showing for years with patients in Canada. As Argentines, it is anenormous challenge to embark on this quest, and we are very enthusiastic to beable to offer a quality and consistent product,” says Alejandro San Miguel, Co-founderof Patagonia Heritage.
Bernhard Retzer, Global Sales Director ofCantourage: “We are thrilled that an ever-increasing number of suppliers wantsto enter the European medical cannabis market with the help of our long-standingdistribution expertise on the continent. Patagonia Heritage is an excitingaddition to our portfolio, as it is the first Argentinian brand in European medicalcannabis. Patients can expect further products and cultivars to become availablein Germany, the UK, and other countries in the future.”
About Patagonia Heritage
Patagonia Heritage believes in the power of nature andscience to enhance the lives of those in need. They are a pioneering companydedicated to the highest quality medical cannabis, carefully crafted withcutting-edge technology and the most demanded strains in the market. PatagoniaHeritage is not confined by borders. Their quest for excellence takes them tofar-flung corners of the world, connecting with the global cannabis community.Patagonia Heritage shares insights, collaborates, and, above all, learns fromthe diverse cultures and practices that shape the cannabis landscape. Thisglobal perspective enriches their commitment to patients and consumers,ensuring they can offer the best the world has to offer. For the New+,Patagonia Heritage is collaborating with the prestige Canadian producer,Lyonleaf, a company specialized in the development andproduction of high-quality strains with craft processes, taking care of everylast detail from the seed to the flower with a track record of more than 200harvests.
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About Cantourage
Cantourage is a leading European producerand distributor of cannabis flowers and cannabis-based medicinal preparationsand drugs. The Berlin-based company was founded in 2019 by industry pioneersNorman Ruchholtz, Dr. Florian Holzapfel and Patrick Hoffmann. With anexperienced management team and its “Fast Track Access'' platform, Cantourageenables producers from around the world to become part of the growing Europeanmedical cannabis market faster, easier and more cost-effectively by processingand distributing their cannabis raw materials and extracts. In this context,Cantourage ensures compliance with the highest European pharmaceutical qualitystandards at all times. The company offers pharmaceutical-grade products in allrelevant market segments: dried flower, extracts, dronabinol and cannabidiol.Cantourage was listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on 11 November 2022 andis listed under ticker symbol “HIGH”.
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Press contact at Cantourage
Klaas Geller | | +49 17674717519
Pia Senkel | | +49 173 3702649
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